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NOT FAST ENUFF in Toledo City Paper

Jeff McGinnis of the Toledo City Paper wrote a great piece detailing the varied musical offerings in Toledo on on particular evening, and NOT FAST ENÜFF was one stop in the journey:

“As I walk into the Distillery on Heatherdowns, pretty much the last song I expect is exactly what’s being played: “YMCA.” Up next, “Jessie’s Girl.” After that, “The Middle.” It’s like a trip in a musical time machine, which is right in the wheelhouse of Not Fast Enuff, a group that specializes in pop covers from the past 40 years. It’s all but impossible to keep from smiling while Not Fast Enuff is performing. The band faithfully plays each tune in tribute, while giving each enough of a twist to make it their own. And the vocal versatility of lead singer Melissa Toth is genuinely impressive…”

You can check out the entire article here.

“Playground Rules” video

Several months ago, Scott Fish of Distant Cousinz invited me to participate in a recording project. Scott had written a new tune, “Playground Rules,” for an anti-bullying campaign. He asked me to lay down some guitar tracks, looking specifically for an ambient Pink Floyd vibe. My go-to rig for those sounds is a Reverend Reeves Gabrels guitar, Fender Blues Junior tube amp, MXR Carbon Copy delay pedal, and Vox Ice 9 overdrive for leads. Although I generally prefer to be familiar with the material in advance of a session, in the right circumstances it can also be fun and rewarding to hear a track once or twice and spontaneously compose parts (as was the case here). We layered chords and arpeggios, and I also came up with several harmonized melodies.

After recording and mixing the track, Scott worked with two local filmmakers, Branden Welch and Christian ‘Whitey’ Pokrywka, to shoot an accompanying video. One very cool aspect of the shoot was the use of an aerial drone, which allowed for some awesome overhead shots! You can check out the vise below: