Photos from Skid Row show

I’m a bit behind posting these images (below the fold…hit “Read More”) from the Skid Row show. Most of these are mine, but I also found a few shots of our opening set. Enjoy!

Mid-afternoon load-in:

Load in 1

Chad load in

Load in 2

I snapped this photo of the crowd minutes before we started our set:

Skid Row Bar145 crowd

NOT FAST ENÜFF on stage!

NFE Skid Row 1

Skid Row NFE 2

Me ‘n Rob Green throwing down the harmony lead in “Round and Round”:

Ratt duo lead

After our set, it was a treat to hang stage left and hear Skid Row tear it up!

Rachel Bolan
Scotti Hill
Rob Hammersmith

Of all these photos, this one is my favorite. The spirit of 80’s rock lives on!Snake Sabo